Facebook Business Summit

The Ask

AgencyEA brought me the Facebook Ad Platform rollout project. Facebook was putting together an upcoming B2B summit dedicated to the platform launch and attendees needed to be wowed. AgencyEA developed the overall look and feel of the space and tasked me with bringing this project to life in the most detail-oriented way possible. 

The Catch: Tariffs 

Someone on the Facebook team had recently seen a sample of particularly exquisite plywood. They wanted a ply that had sleek and impossibly beautiful edges. This required sheets of pure Baltic Birch Ply with a B/BB rating or better. This wood is typically shipped from China; however, President Trump had placed potential tariffs on Chinese imports at this time. While normally we could have searched multiple lumber yards and procured this ply from a multiple locations, the possible retroactive tariff made it such that Baltic Birch was impossibly scarce in the U.S. We needed way more than was available in the US. So I jumped on the phone and learned that I was going to have to source the wood to its origin land... the Baltics! After a great deal of back and forth with the Baltic vendors (who would never typically ship for such a small project) our ask was finally fulfilled. We had the most beautiful plywood I've ever seen. 

A side stage for separate presenters.

Rendered request.

Reality delivered.

Using Format