The Ask
PUMA & LeagueFits private lounge. This private event was held during the NBA All Star Game in Chicago.
The Catch: Timing
Due to certain restraints we had to find a location that wasn't under union jurisdiction. We ended up finding a location in a section of the Miracle Mile that was closed down and technically attached to a mall. Access to the location was extremely limited though. We had to schedule all site walks with a security guard who had to be on site while my team surveyed the area. Any time an unknown element was added or a structural element had to be measured or tested we'd have to wait about 2 days to get back into the site. This event was taking place on Feb 13th and I got the first email about it on Jan 12th. Needless to say, we pulled it off and it was a great success but it was one of the more hectic timelines I'd ever taken on.